I always like to go shopping into your section
Today please I’d like to buy, couple of shoes and satisfaction
Choke in my throat cant let me say, anything but childish words
Never mind if you just smile, it takes all my vocal chords.
Why to care if you can just complain
So easy ou, so easy’s to fail
Knock back shots and push the stranger
Get to the top with a little anger
Hello Anna, sending kisses from shore
Who you like I start to like, who you hate I hate even more
Waxing moon and dwindling moments, sweat replaces snip of joy
Chewing water drinking bread, breaking habits ou little boy
When you wait for the fest of shame
Sometimes it hurts, but you like that pain
Prepare charm, smile on your face
Welcome slayer at your place
Drive to Prague again, I’d like you to stay
And fuck you every single day I can
And then wake up next day, turn me on again
And pack your stuff and go back to Plzen
It’s another week and another game
You changed the rules, I play the same
Many tries, whole impression fails
Just one works, its in my pants
I love you, but you dont that word
So I play and sing instrumental chord
My tune is fine, but your sight is low
Mind’s not present in that show
There was a time, I’ve never felt so low
Stucked with head in show
And I never wanted girl you to know
I’m taking different road
If you think you forgot to say that word
Everything is wrong
How it comes I couldn’t see before
It hurts even more
What if I never come to you
What if I never talk to you
Would you count the days without me
Or just ignore the world around me
What if I never fuck with you
Now I see what I couldn’t see before
I misunderstood before
You called it love I didn’t adore at all
I didn’t deserve at all.
Will come the time when you will understand
That’s what Maugham said
Even you love somebody, sometimes you just forget
Sometimes just forget
Chcel by som si kúpiť u teba to čo mám rád
Dnes prachy nemám ale, chcel tu len tak stáť
Byť dobrý i zlý jak soda na kyslé posobiť
Nenech sa zmiasť, veď ja sa snažím takto len zaposobiť
Veď si krásna tak vstaň nech vidím tvoj úzky pás
No tak sa už nehamb toľko, chytím ťa zaň zas
Ó nech vravia čo vravia jeeehe, pri ďalšom pohári vina
Zaľúbiť sa do teba, mohla by byť psina
Je tu niečo pre teba predsa, čo ti chcel dať
Otvor to v správnu chviľu, nemusíš sa báť
Pošlem to službou pošty, priamo od mojho srdca k tvojmu
Dúfam, že to očakávaš a ubrániš sa dojmu
This is add-hoc wake-up song
Coz you’re sleeping way too long
All day dressed in white so bright
Now that color means your fight
Blurry curtains not covering much
Behind the blue eyes and warming touch
High dark gate is path to hell
Read the warning against this fell
Another week has gone with lies
No guests coming to your paradise
Birthday closed no presents ready
Fuck you God for being greedy
Time has passed and all effort’s gone
The hurt you feel in every bone
What to do now with daily life
Corrosion absorbs your surgical knife
This was add-hoc wake-up song
Coz you slept there way to long
Somewhere in darkness still in sounds
Sorry could not break the bounds
Whole day I'm waiting moment when you fall asleep at night
Walking tip toe to your bedroom, while you’re dreaming deep and tight
Silence is my super power, did you check my job profile
Sometimes I wish I could tell you, IM YOUR SNEAKY SLEEPOPHILE
You know I'm telling true, daily light makes me blue
Hiding secrets for so long
I’ve done this many years before I met you
Night watch is cult where I belong
Sunday evening she pack her suitcase, told me see you in two weeks time
Thinking who I might be watching, who will be my subject prime
There is window next door open, lights went off this is my sign
Getting closed to exciting moment, TONIGHT YOUR DREAMS WILL BE MINE
She returns and now Im struggling, you Im gonna watch tonight
Is it cheating Im asking daemons, will me conscious be all right?
They don't know about each other, its like threesome in my mind
Please forgive my deviation, IM YOUR ONLY SLEEPOPHILE
Sitting home feeding my anxiety
Virus froze me out of society
Licking envelopes and sending Xmas cards
Fuck You politics with all my best regards
They fight in name of humanity
Made few scars on my personality
Shopping online gifts for relatives
My dinner presence is only tentative
I open next door in advent calendar
Will never get back to my never neverland
Instead of chocolate I got shot of whiskey
Drinking problem is now very risky
All countries do some strange competition
Who got numbers who’s mathematician
And online gaming made me fat king of the world
Celebrating the success with dad on the phone
I want to drink but all friends are grounded
With empty pizza boxes I'm surrounded
To follow all the rules I feel retarded
Bartender next door got broken hearted
I want to dance but no band are playing
To open disco clubs I'm every day praying
Even father Jan cancelled Sunday confession
My soul is fragile to any possession
Nobody knows when you’re here or walking around
Your presence is lost but your absence is found
Look at the mirror boy what have you done?
Stink what you bring is collection of ugly and rare
Always dressed same, not that you don't care
Do you mind boy, we publish your name?
Nobody knows when you’re here or walking around
Your presence is lost but your absence is found
Look at the mirror boy what have you done ?
There is a great plan in my mind
I want to tell it loud
And then Im admired by whole office crowd
Evening is gone watch ticking loud
I pour a bit of vine
Enough one grass, second is full of dust
You don't call me anymore
You don't kiss me like before
Your flower fades in my vase
And my love is not your business case
Give me suit, give me tie, proper business style
Last look to mirrored glass
Feeling cool, feeling prod like highest social class
Driving home moon above my head
Welcome my lovely space
Is not cool is not kind, all that I left behind
In the middle of night, I met chick terribly sweet
She offered me some good weed, but it was just her trick
Her head is lower than mine, but her confidence too high
Never had Thai girl before, so I just have to try
And now I know what was her trick about
Can not tell mom, can not tell dad, they won’t be proud
And now I know it was a way one trip
It took my heart, it took my soul ... and flipped.
So we are walking the street, to my 3 star hotel room
What kind of cool romance, two shadows under moon
It feels like very long walk, because we can not talk
She said: - “Sir, its too far” - “Girl wait, its just next block”
In room I open the wine, she does not understand why
I need to blunt my head, with girls Im very shy
Behind the broken door, all clothes on the floor
My vision is not right, but you girl don't look all right
When I first met you, I thought you were one
But after 3 years, everything broke down
You fucking changed, your promise was lie
And now Im trying trying, trying to get out
Love is a dog, coming from hell
tak co bys po ní, co bys po ní chtěl
You fucked my friend, when I wasn't around
Didn't you know girl, Im gonna find out
You such a slut, like everyone said
And I just could not see it, see it from your face
Spark in your eyes never lies
Startled face suppressing smile
Shaking shoulders confusing my mind
Longer hug such a different kind
When all those feelings promise hides
Timing this game was not right
Tell me why
Custom feelings origin it's you
Don't drag me into
Intentions are enough to be sued
It always changes my mood
Signals reflects straight into your heart
Can't accept my part
Hold desire about you and I
Your watching makes me lie
After you left I could not shine
Composing this song in my mind
Conscious clear, left untouched
Photos of you sometimes I watch
When all those feelings promise hide
Timing this game was not right
Tell me why
Superstitious girl, believe it or not
Every morning asks me what dreaming I’ve got
Either I am flying and then, falling from the sky
Please explain my situation, am I going to die
On her way to work, dogs hang out on street
Suddenly she spots on sidewalk, superstitious shit
It's no place for hesitation, good luck for a week
Too bad for my shiny new boots, let's step into it
Would like to buy a single flower
And then to drink a vine with you
//:Would like to loose a jenga game
And pretend my love isn’t true://
How sweet is to see you running,
How cute you stretch your morning legs,
//:How funny to make you laughing,
So now we terminate those days?://
Do you still like the ginger candies
Do you like to fuck on public place
//:Do you still like to listen music
So don't look back and take your space://
Can’t stop to like your mirror priming,
Can’t stop to sing about your hair
//:Can’t stop to feel your soft knee smell
Something happened, so what the hell://
Is your beauty you charmed me with
It's like alarm, it won't let me sleep
//:It's shocking how works you and me
Till expiration of your guaranty://